Delhi 2 Dubai: 1 Way Ticket

Delhi 2 Dubai: 1 Way Ticket

Friday, 2 November 2007

भगवन जब देता है तो छप्पर फाड़ के देता है

Amazing isn't it?

Life is taking a turnaround and everything is falling into place. God Almighty has been so gracious that I have been able to achieve much. The thing that I must not forget now are:

1. Not to forget to thank Him for what all he has done and keep all promises unto Him and his men.

2. Never to be arrogant about anything bestowed upon me as it is not my merit but His Eternal Grace.

I hope life will eventually change for the better.

I was speaking to 2VT(My Best Half) the other day and we agreed how life changes immediately after just a news !!!!

Any way I regard myself as fortunate or lucky to end up so well.

Please God, let this last!

May it not be a dream

Sunday, 30 September 2007

Lust kills you

Your sin has been measured. You have committed many sins, but Lust is the mortal sin that has done you in. Just below, discover your full sinful breakdown and learn what it is about you that condemns you to hell.

Greed: Medium
Gluttony: Medium
Wrath: Very Low
Sloth: Low
Envy: Medium
Lust: High
Pride: Medium

See what happened when I took that quiz.

I was not shocked but was definitely surprised. I was not much of a Gutsy-Lusty type till now!
Any way the affair with sins started when I was trying to rationalise another incident at my God-forsaken office when I came across this Internet crazy site.

Any way it has taught me to be patient and more dilligent and God will take care of the rest.
Secertly I want to stab the guy in the bosom and wring his neck till he dies writhing in pain lying in his pool of blood. Maybe a bazooka will be more handy for I know his postal address and location. Pinning him to the wall is another solution though it would not be so painful hence not so much of redemption coming through.

I think a solution lies in the subsidence of my life and gradual healing as this is only going to increase the fervour of my frustration(in any case my wife calls this my frustration coloumn and I feel like a Frustrated Bastard!)

Maybe forgiveness after all has its virtues-Buddhism, Here I come

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Abysmally Low Salary

How can one keep on working in the same office when others with less experience are earning more or as much as they are?

The first feeling is that of being cheated and duped. In a very annoying manner the anger is diverted to the one who earns more rather than the one who has actually put you in the scenario. Do I remember The Dilbert Principle?

You go back to office and the workstation is still warming up. The air around you seems to be filled with ether and the familiar voices resound in your ears, albeit getting drowned somewhere in between. I think its something to do with humility and a pie.

The tones change connotation and a nostalgia of earlier conversations fills up your eternal space.
"So that's what he meant by saying that". You wish you were the proverbial Sita of Ramayana on whose instructions the earth opened up and down she went into neverland.

Life goes on for we don't subscribe to the supernatural newsletter. Hope transcend towards a similiar advantage. Later, much later, you realise that its only the thought to even that remains on its helm rather the money aspect from where it starts.

Monday, 23 July 2007

Samsung Shit(Everyone's Invited)

I bought a TV which was worse than a Radio-I mean it did not have any images on it's screen. Naturally I got it changed the next day as I was unable to fathom the sense. Yeah That's Samsung for you: Just the introduction
A couple of months later: and not to forget that the Celsius had also increased poignancy--- Not to mention the July Sultry mess common in Delhi, We bought an AC: for precisely the same Reason
Yeah you guessed it right: It was somehow Samsung
We knew the Brand but not that the life of this product will just be eleven days!
Talk of prompt service: the month undertakes on its own to make the temper simmer
But still one week and a rusty replacement machine was too much for me

Ah yes ... I promised the repair supervisors nephew a job in my office
Pat came the AC all polished and clean.
Strange are the ways of the world. Pulling strings has less to do with the guitar ... No?

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Rain in the city

Wash me up for I want to be new again

The fresh scent of mud watered is long gone in the sludge, the cool breeze surmounting the realms of

The city never sleeps especially on a blanket of water. Hot samosas and other local wares with endless cups steaming tea put the delight to a new dimension. A roadside drizzle Cafe inspects the spoils only to be glad for the heavenly re-incarnation. The mood itself perpetrates to more chilled out as the namesake whether, weather it is an up market coffee shop instead. The morning comes in cool and refreshing for the eyes don't squint to a near relentless sun.

Come to think of it: The Qutb Minor, The Fort that's not so Red , and the Gate not made for us Indians, The Luteyens Zone the walled city and the Nouveaux Riches colonies all seem to gain. Though the waterworks do lead to some fireworks but I feel that OK for a vibrant economy to vibrate at times.

I feel mother Earth needs more of this, let alone Global Warming swarm the looks and likes of the world. A wetter better place to be-my city Delhi revelling in the Rains.

Thursday, 28 June 2007

holiday boom

Holidays are supposed to be funnnnnnnn!

But standing in line to book a ticket is not my idea.


The fresh breeze of the mountains does make you forget it

And it also compensates for the stench of the room which has been used numerously before your arrival

Any place new but has its own charm-- the exploration, the people and sometimes new ways of life

The terrifying result of a vacation is the sleepy office eye the day after and the dull ache in the nape. Sometimes it is aggravated by the looks of the so called not so lucky onlookers.

Why is it difficult for people to come to terms with the fact that everyone has different needs at different times.

Why do I have to be the bulls eye- not that there are any Robin Hoods around- and thank God for that!

To be able to be happy all you need is to be yourself

and that is what may disturb the other also- Like Newton said something about action and replay...(See I guess I flunked Physics)

Then the enormous moment of truth... When to pop the question; which I feel is more tedious than asking for a raise!!!!!!!!!!

The moment has to be diverted from sales figures to nature- a stretch too long and circuitous. The mood has to be developed and a week moment to be snatched under the adversary's eyes.

Careful! It should not look like a wise one then or a retribution later.

Finally smooth operation under the covers to transform the workstation so that it does not look haunted while you were away.

I guess I relax only the week after.

Saturday, 23 June 2007

home alone

Is it so difficult to find a decent home in the city

the whole world seems to own one and all of them bought it much cheaper than what they offer now for but they still don't go so well

For one thing - the paperworx

No body comes out clean here

can no one be trusted?

and if the bubble bursts--- it will be the worst ever

come to think of it Of all people going 100 km from the city to buy a house

Neemrana--- the most fuck all of all places

and they call it an investment

Go to Hell!

Don't blame me as I am frustrated

One I have to deal with those bastards that call themselves Property Dealers

A nasty lot Goodfornothings who don't have a profession and don't want to get a life

And every one seems to be enjoying it thoroughly

Its like I am trying to make love and 100 people cheering around me and saying"Do This" and "Do That"

Can you beat that?

Finally I know one thing for sure that whatever I do I am not going to make a silly decision like my friend A--- who buys something in Gurgaon at a high rate and has not even seen the place !

Or for that matter H who will ruin their life by travelling 4 hours every day just b coz they will not change residence. I am pretty much sure he will never have the time to read this let alone comment

Is it not better to spend or save somewhere else?

Any way that the thought that I live for the moment with and still searching...

Thursday, 21 June 2007


Why can't I get a vacation?

Why am I perceived as a lesser professional just because I am more of a comic and can't pull
that serious countenance for long?

Is working in a corporate setup all about those brooding looks?

Or the late hours?

People do that becuse they have not worked all through the day!

Why is the company like a new shoe-that looks so appealing from the outside and on the insides bites you in the sides.

Work for all its worth is done by all

There is not more that a 10% differnce in good and bad quality on the part of the worker. Its the shirker who replaces the worker at the time credit has to be taken.

But then its this 10% that defines the men from the boyz

Nonethe less, how does this ascertain that a jovial happy go lucky colleauge is a child of a lesser God?


Delhi Roads!

A signboard there says" Going Driving on Delhi Roads-Remain Calm, Keep Cool"
Why is this aggresiveness relentless on the roads?
Is there something to do with the big city thing?
All of whose denizens are small town crowd pullers. The basic fact that bogs me down has more to do with emancipation. As you climb the ladder of so called sucess why does it seems even more difficult to be connected with the ground realities?
Nobody ever stops if there is an injured or for that matter a dead man on the road.
Socially a small town teaches you some lessons in which people are forced to live as a community. You can be identified and your sins purged in no time. But why do we forget the same when in this anonymous big city.
"The other day I saw someone do this,that" is everyone's favourite line
Does any one say "I" did it ?

Sometimes maybe we can be more sensible and give out a helping hand.
Remember we deserve our roads !

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

slumber in my eyelids

I have this feeling of un-easy-ness, a certain maze of distorted thoughts. It would be well if it ended here but it goes on to give a convulated feeling to my existance creating for itself a complete misnomer.

What's with the hoopla we make about our life even though I think we're not even worth it !
Like ants crawling on a wall we will also be squashed one day much before our share of eternity gets to us.

Life may be, but death is not as fastidious. It hits without the charm or the mystery we link it with, whether its -- an overturned car, a needle that went wrong or a breath that no one ever heard.

Just that its done so many rounds that it's all in a days work. Sometimes the nauseating fragrance continues to linger long after the entity expires-not to mention the wrinkled albums biting into dust for ages.

But the proverbial life still goes on as the sprouts generate from seeds of a long dead plant-a tiny capsule of all genetic information and more mutataion it will ever require. From here encompasses hope to us the living and the not-so living, to forge ahead for a new sunrise.