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Sunday, 30 September 2007

Lust kills you

Your sin has been measured. You have committed many sins, but Lust is the mortal sin that has done you in. Just below, discover your full sinful breakdown and learn what it is about you that condemns you to hell.

Greed: Medium
Gluttony: Medium
Wrath: Very Low
Sloth: Low
Envy: Medium
Lust: High
Pride: Medium

See what happened when I took that quiz.

I was not shocked but was definitely surprised. I was not much of a Gutsy-Lusty type till now!
Any way the affair with sins started when I was trying to rationalise another incident at my God-forsaken office when I came across this Internet crazy site.

Any way it has taught me to be patient and more dilligent and God will take care of the rest.
Secertly I want to stab the guy in the bosom and wring his neck till he dies writhing in pain lying in his pool of blood. Maybe a bazooka will be more handy for I know his postal address and location. Pinning him to the wall is another solution though it would not be so painful hence not so much of redemption coming through.

I think a solution lies in the subsidence of my life and gradual healing as this is only going to increase the fervour of my frustration(in any case my wife calls this my frustration coloumn and I feel like a Frustrated Bastard!)

Maybe forgiveness after all has its virtues-Buddhism, Here I come

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Abysmally Low Salary

How can one keep on working in the same office when others with less experience are earning more or as much as they are?

The first feeling is that of being cheated and duped. In a very annoying manner the anger is diverted to the one who earns more rather than the one who has actually put you in the scenario. Do I remember The Dilbert Principle?

You go back to office and the workstation is still warming up. The air around you seems to be filled with ether and the familiar voices resound in your ears, albeit getting drowned somewhere in between. I think its something to do with humility and a pie.

The tones change connotation and a nostalgia of earlier conversations fills up your eternal space.
"So that's what he meant by saying that". You wish you were the proverbial Sita of Ramayana on whose instructions the earth opened up and down she went into neverland.

Life goes on for we don't subscribe to the supernatural newsletter. Hope transcend towards a similiar advantage. Later, much later, you realise that its only the thought to even that remains on its helm rather the money aspect from where it starts.