Delhi 2 Dubai: 1 Way Ticket

Delhi 2 Dubai: 1 Way Ticket

Friday, 25 April 2008

I Have Arrived !


Its finally hit me- and I am pretty excited. I guess for a sucker like me its quite something.

Anyway I went for my compulsory medical test and read a lot of policies specific to the Gulf after interacting with my Pa(c)kistani Man(a)ger. Its a small office and the the staff is very friendly and accommodating(Fart!). I'm kinda liking it but its too early to say...or swoon.

Come to think of it, Lasagna and Meat Balls for lunch provided by the company is not such a bad deal after all.

Now the serious stuff:

1. There is a packed attache' case about 8 kg with Dad. you have to Fedex it-Now

2. Dad will also give you two small boxes which contain our watches which we forgot. Remember... "The Man Who Hated Time" from Section 9C? Accommodate them within the above: I know that you are pretty good at accomodating your time.

3. The most difficult part: In the Puja room we threw off most of the excess baggage (maybe about 5 kg).

Can you tell me how I can make Dad :
a)collect it from the floor
b)pack the same into the two bags lying nearby
c)and stack it in the new house???
Life is beautiful I feel if you start letting go...Yeah its difficult but possible.

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